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The topic “Accounting of a company with variable capital (VCC)” is an increasingly topical issue for different types of businesses in Bulgaria, including startups in the technology sector and investment funds. In view of the growing need for innovative approaches to capital structure, variable capital companies (MMFs) provide new opportunities for managing finances aimed at transparency, flexibility and protection of the interests of shareholders. The consulting firm “Elan Consulting” offers a wide range of accounting services that cover not only regulatory and reporting aspects, but also customized solutions for the specific needs of clients in various sectors.

Frequently asked questions from our clients include: “What is specific in the accounting of VCC compared to traditional companies?”, “How are the financial statements for a technology startup prepared and presented within the SPM?”, “What are the reporting requirements for investment funds structured as variable capital companies?”, “What are the specific tax and regulatory challenges facing fintech startups in Bulgaria?”, “How are changes in capital and shares accounted for in accordance with national and international accounting standards?”

In this article, we will look at the key aspects of accounting for variable capital companies, focusing on accounting and tax reporting, capital management requirements, and procedures for presenting financial statements according to applicable standards. We will explain how Elan Consulting can provide support to clients in Sofia, Burgas, Pomorie, Karnobat, Sunny Beach, Aytos, Nessebar, Sozopol, Primorsko and throughout Bulgaria.

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What is a variable capital company in Bulgaria?

The Company with Variable Capital (VCC) is a new legal and organizational form, introduced into the Bulgarian legislation with the amendments to the Commercial Law, published in the State Gazette, No. 66 of 2023. This company is designed to provide greater flexibility in managing capital, adapted to the needs of small and medium-sized enterprises, including fintech and technology startups, as well as investment funds. A SPP may be established by one or more natural or legal persons, and its capital is not fixed and subject to change without the need for additional registration actions in the Commercial Register. This makes the format suitable for dynamic businesses with variable financial flows and ownership structures.

According to Art. 260a of the Commercial Law, VCC is liable to creditors only with its property, which provides protection to the partners from personal liability for the obligations of the company. This is an essential advantage for entrepreneurs and investors looking for limited risk in project financing. In addition, the company must meet specific criteria in order to be registered as a VCC: the average number of staff must be less than 50 people, and the annual turnover or value of assets must not exceed BGN 4 000 000.

The capital of the VCC is distributed in units, which can be of different classes with certain denominations and rights, including privileges, such as guaranteed dividends or additional voting rights. The nominal value of the shares is determined according to the contributions that the partners make, and can be monetary or non-monetary, valued by experts. This structure allows for greater personalization of the rights of the partners depending on their contribution to the company.

The SPK proposes a simplified procedure for changing the capital, which is realized through resolutions of the general meeting, without the need for entry in the Commercial Register. Each year, the capital is established at the adoption of the annual financial statement, which makes it possible to easily adapt to changes in market conditions and the needs of the company. This flexibility is extremely important for startups, which are often faced with dynamic financial conditions and the need for quick decisions.

An essential feature of the PPK is also the possibility of issuing shares with special rights, which may include limited or no voting rights. This allows the creation of specific management and control mechanisms in the company that meet the interests of different groups of investors. In addition, the inheritance, transfer and pledge of company shares are possible under simplified rules, unless otherwise provided in the company contract.

How is the capital of a variable capital company determined?

The capital of the variable capital company (VCC) is one of its key characteristics that distinguishes it from other legal and organizational forms. According to Art. 260e, para. 1 of the Commercial Law, the capital of the VCC is variable and is not subject to entry in the Commercial Register. This means that changes in the amount of capital can be made freely, without the need for additional administrative actions for registration, which provides considerable flexibility to the company.

The amount of capital is determined annually on the basis of the decisions of the regular annual general meeting convened to consider the annual financial statements. At this meeting, the capital at the end of the financial year and its changes with respect to the previous financial year shall be established. This dynamic allows the company to reflect the real value of its assets and liabilities in accordance with the current financial situation.

The capital of PPK is divided into shares, and the shares of one class must have the same nominal value, according to Art. 260e, para. 2. The minimum nominal value of a share may not be less than one euro cent, which ensures a high degree of affordability for different categories of investors. Shares can be divided into different classes, which are characterized by different rights and privileges, depending on the provisions of the company agreement (Art. 260f, para. 2).

For the acquisition of shares in the capital of VCC, the partners make contributions, which may be cash or non-cash. When non-cash contributions are made, they are subject to assessment by three experts appointed by the management body of the company, pursuant to Art. 260e, para. 4. The nominal value of each share must correspond to the amount of the contribution made.

The rights granted by each company share are proportional to its nominal value, unless the company contract provides otherwise (art. 260f, para. 1). This proportionality between the value of the contribution and the rights in the company guarantees a fair treatment between the partners, while allowing the introduction of specific management and control clauses.

What are the benefits of registering a company with variable capital instead of a limited liability company or a limited liability company?

The registration of variable capital company (VCC) instead of a limited liability company (LLC) or joint-stock company (AD) there are a number of advantages that are specifically defined in Commercial Law. Here is a more accurate description of the benefits:

  1. Variable capital without the need for registration
    Unlike Ltd. and JSC, the capital is not fixed and is not subject to entry in the Commercial Register (Art. 260e, para. 1). The increase or decrease in capital is made by decision of the annual general meeting and is reflected directly in the annual financial statements. This eliminates the need for administrative costs and time to enter in the register in each change, as required by Ltd. and AD.
  2. Minimum nominal value of shares
    The nominal value of the shares in the The registration of variable capital company may be set at a minimum one euro cent(Art. 260e, para. 2), which allows great flexibility in the structuring of capital. For comparison, in the case of LLC and JSC the minimum capital is fixed (BGN 2 for LLC and BGN 50,000 for AD(JSC - Joint stock company), according to Art. 117 and Art. 161 of the Commercial Law).
  3. Simplified procedures for the incorporation of new investors
    In the case of a DPP, the transfer of company shares is free, unless the company contract provides otherwise (Art. 260h, para. 2). This is an essential advantage for startups and investment funds, which are often looking for flexible mechanisms to raise capital. For comparison, in the case of an LLC, each transfer of a share requires notarization and entry in the Commercial Register (art. 129).
  4. Flexibility in the rights and privileges of the partners
    Shares with privileges, such as guaranteed dividends, the right to more than one vote or the right to redeem may be issued in the SPK (Art. 260f, para. 3). These mechanisms allow the creation of specialized investment and management strategies, which are not found in LLCs or JSC.
  5. Lack of fixed capital and management requirements
    The registration of variable capital company (VCC) is intended for small and medium-sized enterprises with staff of less than 50 people and turnover or assets of less than 4 000 000 BGN (art. 260a, para. 3). This makes it suitable for startups and small businesses that do not have the resources and complexity of an AD, but at the same time need more flexibility than an LLC.
  6. Simplified management and accountability
    The management of the SPP can be adapted to the needs of the partners. For example, decisions such as capital increase are made by the general meeting and reflected in the report without requiring special approvals or registers (Art. 260e, para. 1 and para. 4).
  7. Legal protection of partners
    According to Art. 260a, para. 1, VCC is liable for its obligations only with the property of the company. This protects the partners from personal liability for the obligations of the company, which is identical to the Ltd and AD, but the VCC adds greater flexibility and dynamism.
  8. Effective Partition Management
    In the SPK, it is possible to establish special rights, including the right to veto or the right to preferential redemption of shares (Art. 260i, para. 2-4). This allows for better control over key decisions, which is especially important for investors.

What are the necessary documents for registration of a VCC in Bulgaria?

The registration of a company with variable capital (VCC ) requires the submission of certain documents, which are regulated in detail in Commercial Law (TC)and The Anti-Money Laundering Measures Act (AML). Below are described all the necessary documents with a citation of the relevant provisions.

  1. Company Agreement or Memorandum of Association
    • The main document, which contains the data described in Art. 260c, para. 1 of the TC:
      • The company, the registered office and the address of management of the company.
      • The subject of activity.
      • The term of the contract (if applicable).
      • The class and nominal value of the shares and related rights.
      • Management and mode of representation.
      • The method of distribution of profit.
      • Other conditions related to incorporation and management.
    • If the SPK is established by one person, a constituent act is drawn up (Art. 260c, para. 2 of the TC).
  2. List of persons who registered shares
    • In accordance with Art. 260d, para. 1 of the TC, this document contains data on all partners, the shares recorded by them, the type and value of the contributions made.
  3. Deposited capital document
    • According to Art. 260e, para. 4 of the TC, for each contribution (cash or non-cash) there must be a corresponding document. Non-monetary contributions are assessed by three experts designated by the management body.
  4. Declarations under Art. 260a, para. 2 of the TC
    • Each partner declares that he has not been declared bankrupt, as required by Art. 260a, para. 2 of the TC.
  5. Declaration on the veracity of the stated circumstances
    • Document certifying that all submitted data are correct, in accordance with Art. 13, para. 4 of the Law on the Commercial Register and the Register of Non-Profit Legal Entities.
  6. Minutes of the Constituent Assembly
    • This document reflects the decisions taken on the establishment of the company, the choice of a management body and other key issues (Art. 260d, para. 1 of the TC).
  7. Notarized consent and sample of the manager's signature
    • The governors or members of the management board shall provide their consent to take office and a sample of their signature, certified by a notary (Art. 260d, para. 2 of the TC).
  8. Declaration under Art. 260c, para. 4 of the TC
    • The governors or members of the management board declare that they agree and accept the responsibilities arising from the position held.
  9. Declaration under Art. 63, para. 4 of the ZMIP
    • According to Art. 63 of the ZMIP, this declaration includes information about the actual owners of the company. It must contain:
      • Names, nationality, personal identification number or other identifier of the beneficial owners.
      • The amount of rights held.
      • Data on the legal entities through which control is exercised.
  10. Attorney's power of attorney
    • If the registration is carried out by a lawyer, a notarized power of attorney is required, which gives the right to representation.
  11. Document on paid state fee
    • Payment order or receipt for paid registration fee, according to the Registry Agency's tariff.
  12. Book of partners
    • Internal document, which includes information about the partners, their shares and contributions, according to Art. 260g of the TC.

All documents must be submitted to The Commercial Registerelectronically or on paper. After checking for compliance with regulatory requirements, the Registry Agency carries out the registration of the company.

Why is VCC the most appropriate legal form for opening a company for foreigners in Bulgaria?

The company with variable capital (VCC)is an extremely suitable legal form for foreigners who wish to open a company in Bulgaria. One of the main reasons is that, unlike other legal forms, such as a limited liability company (LLC) or a joint-stock company (AD), it is not necessary to open a collection account with a bank to deposit the capital. This eliminates a significant administrative and practical hurdle that foreign nationals often face.

Main advantages for foreigners:

  1. Lack of requirement to open a bank account for depositing capital before registration
    According to Art. 260e, para. 1 of the Commercial Law, the capital of the VCC is variable and is not subject to entry in the Commercial Register. Unlike an LLC, where the minimum capital of BGN 2 must be deposited into a bank account (Art. 119, para. 1 of the TC), in the case of DPC this requirement is dropped. This greatly facilitates foreigners, who often encounter difficulties in opening a bank account in a foreign country due to lack of a local address, documents or banking history.
  2. Flexibility in capital contributions
    The SPK allows the partners to make both cash and non-cash contributions, which are assessed by experts, in accordance with Art. 260e, para. 4 of the TC. This enables foreigners to structure their capital according to their needs and capabilities, without committing themselves to cash deposits in a Bulgarian bank.
  3. Simplified registration process
    The VCC was created with the aim of providing easy access to the business environment for small and medium-sized enterprises. Registration documents are minimal, and the procedure does not require complex administrative actions related to banking institutions. This makes the legal form attractive for foreigners who wish to start a business without bureaucratic hurdles.
  4. Variable capital at no additional cost
    The amount of the capital of the VCC is determined annually on the basis of the resolutions of the general meeting, without the need to enter changes in the Commercial Register (Art. 260e, para. 1 of the TC). This provides flexibility in managing finances and minimizes the costs associated with changes in capital.
  5. Protection from personal liability
    Foreigners who create a DPP are liable only up to the amount of their contributions to the capital (Art. 260a, para. 1 of the TC). This is identical to an LLC, but with the added benefit that management and changes in the capital structure are easier and less formalized.
  6. Freedom to transfer shares
    The transfer of shares in the DPP is greatly facilitated, unless the company agreement provides for restrictions (Art. 260h, para. 2 of the TC). This enables foreign investors to incorporate new partners or withdraw from the company, without unnecessary procedures and fees.
  7. Access to the local market and regulations
    Through the creation of the PPK, foreigners can easily participate in the Bulgarian economy, while benefiting from the advantages of the European Union, such as the freedom of movement of goods, services and capital.
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Is the liability of the partners in the VCC completely limited?

The responsibility of the partners in the company with variable capital (VCC )is not fully protected, which raises certain concerns about the legal status of this form of company. According to Art. 260a, para. 1 of the Commercial Law (TC), the company is liable to creditors only with its assets. This is a characteristic that brings it closer to capital companies, where the partners are not personally responsible for the obligations of the company. However, there are ambiguities in the legal provisions that leave room for interpretation and potential risks.

In the first place, VCC is not categorically defined either as a capital company or as a partnership company. Art. 64, para. 3 of the TC lists the capital companies, such as Ltd. and AD, which provide full protection of the personal property of the partners. On the other hand, partnerships, such as collecting societies, oblige the partners to be jointly and severally liable for the obligations of the company. The lack of a clear indication of the SPC in this classification creates a legal vacuum and leaves open the question of the protection of personal property.

Further doubts arise from Art. 263t, para. 8 of the TC, according to which the rules for personal partnerships apply when converting the DPP. This underlines that PPK has mixed characteristics, combining elements from both equity and personnel companies.

The capital of the VCC also creates some uncertainty. According to Art. 260e, para. 1 of the TC, it is variable and does not enter the Commercial Register. In contrast to capital companies, where the capital serves as a guarantee for creditors and is clearly indicated in the registration documents, the lack of fixed capital under the SPM can make it difficult for creditors to satisfy their claims.

A special feature is also the issue of inheritance of shares. According to Art. 260h, para. 3 of the TC, the heirs of a deceased partner may join the company within three months if they wish. This provision is unusual for capital companies, where participation is strictly regulated, and is closer to partnership companies, where the personal participation of the partners is key.

Also interesting is the provision of Art. 260g, para. 3 of the TC, which allows interested third parties to request an extract from the shareholders' book for the shares they own. However, there is no obligation to provide this information, which complicates the ability of creditors to identify those who may be liable.

Although the texts in the law indicate that VCC is liable only with its assets, the lack of a clear regulation on the legal status and personal liability of the partners creates uncertainty. The need for clarity can be achieved through future legislative changes or case law to clarify these issues.

Are there nuances in the accounting of variable capital companies in Bulgaria?

Keeping accounting for variable capital company (VCC)in Bulgaria requires strict compliance with the requirements of national and international accounting standards, tailored to the specifics of this type of company. Key features include the dynamic nature of capital, accountability of ownership and transparency in financial statements.

Variable nature of capital

One of the key characteristics of the VCC is the variable capital, which, according to Art. 260e, para. 1 of the Commercial Law, is not subject to entry in the Commercial Register. The amount of capital is updated annually and reflected in the annual financial statements. This requires careful monitoring of all changes, including contributions, withdrawals and revaluations, which must be accounted for in accordance with the principles of IAS 1 — Presentation of financial statements, and where applicable, with IFRS.

Accounting for assets and liabilities

In the case of a PPP, it is possible that the capital consists of cash and non-cash contributions, which are valued at fair value by experts (Art. 260e, para. 4 of the TC). This requires compliance with the principle of fair and fair presentation, set out in Art. 24 of the Accounting Act (CPA). Reporting should provide clarity on the value and origin of assets, applying relevant valuation standards, for example IAS 16 — Tangible fixed assetswhen the assets are fixed.

Financial statements

VCC are obliged to prepare financial statements in accordance with the requirements of Art. 29 of the Accounting Act. The annual financial statement shall include:

  • Balance sheet, which reflects the structure of assets, liabilities and capital.
  • Statement of income and expenses, showing the financial result of the activity.
  • Explanatory annexes containing information on ownership, class of shares and changes in capital.
    These reports must be prepared in Bulgarian language and presented in thousands of euros, in accordance with Art. 23 of the Accounting Act.

Applicable accounting base

According to Art. 34 of the Law on Accounting, companies can choose between National Accounting Standards (NSS) and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), depending on their size and activity. An IFRS that operates in international markets or has specific requirements may choose IFRSs to ensure compatibility and transparency to international investors.

Principles in the preparation of financial statements

The financial statements of the VCC must reflect the principles laid down in Art. 26 of the Law on Accounting Act, including:

  • Operating company— the assumption that the company will continue its activities for the foreseeable future.
  • Accrual— transactions are recorded at the time of their occurrence, regardless of payment.
  • Sequence— accounting policies are applied consistently to ensure comparability.
  • Principle of caution— reflect expected risks and losses.

When should the variable capital company (VCC)prepare reports according to international accounting standards instead of national ones?

A variable capital company (VCC) must prepare its financial statements in accordance with International Accounting Standards (IAS) when it falls into the categories of entities that are obliged or choose to apply this accounting base under Art. 34, para. 2 of the Accounting Act (SCA). This includes undertakings that are defined as credit or financial institutions, payment service providers, insurance companies, pension insurance companies, investment intermediaries, management companies, as well as national investment funds and companies whose securities are admitted to trading on a regulated market in a Member State of the European Union. Also, entities that are part of a group compiling consolidated financial statements under IAS are required to use this accounting base for their consolidated accounts.

Except in cases of mandatory implementation, the variable capital company (VCC) may voluntarily choose to compile its IAS reports if this is necessary to attract international investors, work with foreign partners or participate in international markets. This choice is permissible when the company wants better transparency and compliance with the requirements of international reporting standards. When making this decision, it is important for the company to take into account that a change in the accounting base is limited by law and cannot be carried out more than once, except when required by a regulatory act.

Where a PPP is classified as a public-interest entity, such as companies with an important role in the economy, its accounts should also be prepared in accordance with IAS. This requirement is aimed at ensuring a high level of accountability and a fair presentation of financial performance, especially in the context of the international economic environment. The application of the IAS in these cases ensures full compliance with practices in the European Union and the world economy.

Compliance with IAS is also mandatory for businesses that are part of regulated industries, such as insurance or financial asset management, where transparency and standardization are critical. In these cases, IAS shall provide detailed rules for the classification and valuation of assets, liabilities and financial instruments that are essential for the correct presentation of the financial position.

Are variable capital companies subject to mandatory financial audit in Bulgaria?

Variable capital companies (MMFs) in Bulgaria are not subject to mandatory independent financial audit by default unless they meet certain criteria set out in the Accounting Act (SCA) and the Independent Financial Audit Act (IFA). The main criterion for requiring an audit is the exceeding of certain thresholds for the carrying amount of assets, net sales revenue and the average number of personnel or the belonging of the company to categories of enterprises that are subject to mandatory audit. Initially, according to Art. 260a, para. 3 of the Commercial Law (TZ), a variable capital company (VCC) can function as such only if:

  • The average number of staff is less than 50;
  • The annual turnover does not exceed BGN 4 000 000. ;
  • The carrying amount of the assets does not exceed BGN 4 000 000.

These criteria, set for the preservation of the status of the variable capital company (VCC) , coincide with the thresholds above which the enterprises are subject to mandatory audit, according to Art. 37, para. 1 of the Accounting Act. This means that if the VCC exceeds these indicators, it automatically loses the right to exist as a company with variable capital and has to be converted into another legal form, for example, a limited liability company (LLC) or a joint-stock company (JSC). At the same time, it becomes subject to a mandatory financial audit if it meets the requirements of the CSE for assets, turnover and personnel.

According to Art. 37, para. 1 of the ZFZ, small enterprises are subject to mandatory financial audit if, as of December 31 of the current reporting period, they exceed at least two of the following indicators:

  • Book value of assets over BGN 4,000,000 ;
  • Net sales revenue over BGN 8,000,000 ;
  • Average number of staff over 50 people.

In order to remain within the GPA requirements, the company must not exceed these criteria, which automatically excludes the obligation to audit. However, if the company exceeds at least two of these indicators, it will not only be subject to a mandatory independent financial audit, but also lose its right to operate as a SPP and will have to be transformed into another form of company.

In addition, compulsory audit also applies to enterprises of public interest or those for which it is expressly provided for by law (Art. 37, para. 1, item 3 and item 5 of the Law on Auditing). A PSC that does not fall into these categories and retains its status as a small or medium-sized enterprise is not required to carry out a financial audit, which gives it an advantage in reducing administrative costs.

It is important to note that if a company chooses to prepare its financial statements under International Accounting Standards (IAS), this does not automatically lead to an audit obligation, unless it falls into any of the above categories or exceeds the criteria described in the law.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can a Variable Capital Company (VCC) have only one partner?

Yes, according to Art. 260a, para. 1 of the Commercial Law, the VCC can be established by both one and more natural or legal persons. In case it is established by one person, the company's company must bear the designation “Sole proprietorship with variable capital” or the abbreviation “SVCC” - solely owned VCC, according to Art. 260b.

Can shares in PPK be transferred or staked?

Yes, Art. 260z, para. 1 provides that company shares can be transferred, inherited and pledged. For the transfer of shares, a contract in writing with notarization of signatures is required, unless the partnership agreement requires another form. The heirs of partners may declare their wish to join the company within three months of the opening of the inheritance.

What are the limitations when managing a variable capital company by a board of directors?

The members of the Management Board must be able-bodied natural persons or legal persons who are responsible for the actions of their representative. They cannot be persons who have participated in the management bodies of companies declared bankrupt in the last two years, if there are dissatisfied creditors. According to Art. 260c, para. 4, the members of the board of directors must submit a notarized consent and a declaration that there are no obstacles to their participation.

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